For Better or For Worse (Wedding Vows) Read online

Page 10


  When the fall semester ended, Diane decided to take the next semester off from school. The baby would be coming then, and she didn’t need a large hiatus right in the middle of doing course work. Just one semester off, and then she would be right back at it.

  When she got home from her last day at school, she parked the car in the garage, turned off the engine, then sat there, hands still on the steering wheel. What was she waiting for? Did she want Jason to run out here and open the door for her?

  He would probably do it, if she asked.

  She smiled at how solicitous he always was, how kind and -- dare she think it? -- loving. And he had been that way for so long… she didn’t think it was an act anymore. He couldn’t have maintained the pretense for so long without slipping up once in a while.

  Maybe when he’d said he loved her, maybe…

  Her left hand fell onto her belly, now poking out enough it nearly touched the steering wheel. God, she had been so cruel to him. She had treated him like dirt, denying him everything he desired, refusing to believe most of what he told her, failing to support him in his nervousness about his impending fatherhood.

  Of course he was nervous. Who wouldn’t be? Especially with a wife who treated him like… like Carl had. Okay, not as bad, but she had still as much as told him he was a worthless liar. And a ten-year-old.

  And yet he kept coming back for more.

  The baby poked at her, pressure pushing her belly upward and to the left. Toward her heart.

  What heart? Did she even have one?

  Her eyes burned, and a drop of liquid slipped over the rim and scurried down her cheek. She’d been telling herself that she loved him, and this was how she showed it? Reacting to his advances like it made her a prostitute?

  It was Carl who had besmirched the whole relationship. Jason hadn’t been given a chance to decide what he would do when he learned of the pregnancy. Carl had dictated everything. But it was possible Jason would have made the right decision, given the chance.

  It was time to stop punishing Jason for what his father had done.

  She glanced down at her belly. Maybe with this one act, Jason’s fears would go away and he would slide easily into his role as a father. If she just treated him as the type of person he ought to be, maybe everything would work out for the best.

  Time to give it a try.

  She hurried into the house, where she found Jason waiting for her with a box of flowers. “Ah,” he said, sporting a slight British accent, “at last my Lady returns. And it shall be rest and relaxation for her, by decree of his Lordship, the most gracious Sir Jason.”

  She laughed, taking the flowers and bringing them to her nose. “And does Sir Jason have any expectations for this evening?”

  “A small amount of revelry, if my good Lady consents.”

  She dropped the flowers onto a nearby table. “Very well, then. The Lady requests you convey her to her bed.”

  “With pleasure,” Jason said, his medieval accent suddenly gone. He grabbed her under the knees and picked her up, then started up the stairs. “Oof,” he said, “’Twasn’t in my plan to become a beast of burden.”

  She laughed again. It was so good to be playing with each other.

  He put her on the bed, then grinned, swinging his arm out to the side and bowing deeply. “I shall take my leave of you, dear Lady.”

  She rolled onto her side, where the baby wasn’t pressing down on her spine, then reached out a hand to him. “Please stay.”

  He blinked, then glanced around the room. A tooth pressed in on his lower lip, then released it. “But fair maiden, I fear I should interrupt your sleep.”

  She laughed. “Oh, I’m much too excited to sleep.”

  His eyelids fluttered again.

  “Besides, one look at me and you know I’m no longer a maiden.” She reached up to her shirt and undid the first button. “Anyway, I need help. This is hard to do with only one hand.”

  His eyes expanded for a fraction of a second. Then he took a step back. “I, uh…”

  She sat up, now able to use both hands on the buttons. “And have you noticed how much bigger my boobs are now?”

  His lips trembled.

  Hell, she didn’t care that much about this shirt. And she could always buy a new one. She grabbed each side of the front opening and yanked. One button popped off, but the rest clung to the blouse like they thought they had to protect her virtue, and the cloth dug into her fingers. “Ow.”

  His mouth fell open.

  Quickly, she undid the remaining buttons, then popped her right breast out of the bra cup. She ran her hand over the tender flesh. “Oh, that’s just not good enough,” she said. “I think they need some lips.”

  His expression went slack, and then he was on the bed, so quickly she didn’t see him move. He wrapped his arms around her, gently lowering her head back to the pillow, then buried his face in her breasts.

  Tingling waves swirled over her, dancing on her skin and then burrowing into her core. “Oh, Jason, that feels so good.”

  He moved his hands down her belly. “You’re getting a bit of a…”


  “Well, that sounds negative.”

  “How about just belly then?”

  “Yeah. So, I was thinking, maybe we should spoon.”

  “That makes sense. Missionary position could be awkward.”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, I don’t know if I can bend that way.”

  She put out her hand and ran her palm over his cheek. “We wouldn’t want to injure you.”

  “Though it would be worth it.”

  Her smile morphed into another laugh. “Men.”

  His face lit up. “Yeah, we have a one-track mind.”

  “As long as I can get you to pull into the station.” Her hand slipped over his chest, then moved downward.

  “All aboard!” He tore at his shirt and slid both trousers and briefs off with one quick swipe. He was already erect, and it stood at attention as she leaned over and licked it. “Oh, baby,” he said.

  “I love the way you taste.”

  He reached his hands up, grabbing her breasts and massaging them. “Hey, that’s my line.”

  She slipped her lips over his pinkish head, then slid down his entire erection, letting him touch the back of her mouth, then bringing herself back up again. And again.

  “Oh, my god, have mercy on me,” he whispered.

  She drew back. “You don’t like this?”

  “I just… I…”

  She smiled and slipped her lips down his length again.

  “Oh, God!” He throbbed, and his semen squirted into her mouth. It splashed on the back of her throat, once, twice, three times. The fourth stream landed on her tongue.

  She was surprised that she liked the salty, musky taste, and she swallowed it all with delight.

  When she pulled away from him, he collapsed sideways onto the bed, then groaned again. She lay beside him, delighted she had given him so much pleasure.

  He opened his eyes, and they looked at her breasts. “I’m sorry.”

  “What for?”

  “I’m not going to be able to do you for a while now. I should have tried harder to—”

  “Oh, no. I’ll be just fine.” She gave him a pat on the cheek. “You can just… oh, I don’t know. Try out your little line that you think I stole.”

  His eyes twinkled with delight. “There you go again, driving those hard bargains.”

  “I plan to have it hard in no time.”

  They both laughed.

  Then he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her, over and over, slipping his tongue into her mouth, then finally moving his lips down to her chin, over her jaw, and down her neck.

  She rolled onto her back as he approached her breasts. His hands cupped them, massaged them, squeezed them gently but firmly. He knew just how she liked her breasts done, and his ministrations set her core on fire. And now, the lips of her vagin
a were reaching out, trying to find him, trying to pull him into her. She wasn’t going to last like this.

  He moved his mouth over her nipples and licked them, then brushed the tip of his tongue over them, back and forth, like a human vibrator, stimulating them until she was gasping. “Oh, please.”

  His mouth moved downward again, over the stretched skin of her belly, the mound where his child grew. He lingered for a moment at her belly button, sticking his tongue inside, jostling it lightly.

  “Keep going,” she said.

  Another trail of kisses led him lower, to the mound where her pubic hair began, and then he slipped quickly over the opening of her labia, tongue applying the slightest pressure, until he reached her core.

  He positioned himself between her legs, then opened the labia, and stroked her up the smooth skin just above the vaginal opening. She trembled.

  He slipped a finger inside her and pulled downward just slightly. Then his other hand took her labia in thumb and forefinger, and he pulled downward on those as well. Quickly he would release the pressure, then tug down again, over and over in a coital rhythm, pulling the top fold of her genitals over the tip of the clitoris, giving it just the right amount of stimulus. She groaned, tossing her head back and forth. “Oh, Jason, Jason.”

  Then he bent over, touching his tongue right at the top, where the labia met, and he quickly wormed his way inside and found the tip of the clitoris. Her body exploded, her insides throbbing and her back arching. Her mouth opened wide and she threw her head back, an involuntary response to the intensity of the sensations.

  He stroked her again, and again, and the waves of extasy continued to flow over her, probably for a good fifteen seconds, although it felt like an entire minute of pure joy.

  Finally, the orgasm ended, and she relaxed her body. “That was incredible.”

  “I aim to please,” he said, his voice sounding self-satisfied.

  It couldn’t help but make her smile. It was so like Jason to brag about his skills in bed. But maybe, just maybe, she had earned some bragging rights herself. Of course, he was the only person she would share her pride with, but he was enough.

  He stretched out beside her and wrapped his arms around her. “What do we do now?”

  “I could go for another round,” she said. “How’s your second head doing?”

  “Ready for action.”

  With that, she rolled onto her side, then got onto all fours.

  “Ah-ooo!” Jason climbed to his knees and slipped inside her, his movement almost frictionless. Then he began a slow, even rhythm of strokes.

  She could feel the ridge from his head moving in and out, stroking her on the inside, sliding up and down. “Harder,” she said.

  His speed increased, and then with a grunt, he doubled the speed again, now slapping against her rump, while her tension grew, each stroke adding to the thrill. He leaned over her then, grabbing her breasts and tugging on them, squeezing them, kneading them with the heal of his hand.

  And that wonderful feeling came, the prelude to an orgasm, the effervescent tingle of pleasure, and then her body reveled in the pulsing, throbbing sensations. Now she was flying, sailing to the stars, free and light and completely satisfied.

  Colors were brighter. Music was more sublime. Joy suffused her being. She wanted to stay with this man for the rest of her life. She wanted to share her most intimate thoughts with him, and become a part of him, as he became a part of her.

  When they finished, they crawled under the covers, and shared another hug. This was what love should be. This was sharing of not just her body, but her soul.

  And then she remembered his reluctance to discuss his feelings about the baby. In spite of the glorious times they had in bed, he was not ready to bare his soul to her. He was not in love.


  As the days passed, she tried to concentrate on practical matters, on how the pregnancy was progressing, on how they were getting along with respect to daily issues and activities. Things seemed to be going well. But that was only because she had not brought up his reaction to the baby. She didn’t dare.

  She was getting bigger, her belly so distended people asked her if she was having twins. And her walking… okay, waddling… was getting hard. Not to mention that sometimes the baby would kick her right in the bladder. Sneezing could do the same thing. She’d learned quickly that it was a good idea to wear pads.

  Add to that birth classes, where she and Jason were learning breathing techniques to help her through a natural birth.

  They had just gotten home from the latest class, and they were laughing about one of the instructor’s stories as they walked into the house.

  “You won’t be like that, will you?”

  “I have no idea,” Diane said.

  “But you’re so nice.”

  She rubbed his arm, still in its thick coat sleeve. “They say you’re not yourself when you go into transition.”

  “Mm. Then I don’t know if I want to see that.”

  What had brought on that comment? He was usually so intent on playing the perfect husband that he would never admit to negative feelings about any of this process. But now he was looking concerned.

  “I’ll try to be good,” she said. “Promise.”

  “Then I’ll just have to take you at your word.”

  And then, to make matters worse, her due date came and went.


  “That’s normal for first time mothers,” her mom told her. “That’s why I decided to wait until next week to come out to be with you.”

  “You’re coming? That sounds wonderful.” Diane sat on the couch and put her elbow on the soft arm, letting her head rest against her cell phone. “When will you get here?”


  Today was Thursday. It wouldn’t be long. “Just don’t give Jason a hard time, okay?”

  “I’ll try, dear,” Mom said.

  “He’s a good man.”

  “Of course, dear.” Mom still didn’t sound convinced. But the call ended there.

  Jason stood in the doorway, giving her one of his forced smiles. “I think I can hold my own with your mother.”

  “Oh, you have no idea what she can pull,” Diane said, then grinned. “Any word from your dad?”

  “Yeah. He’s on his way.”

  “What?” She leaned forward as her belly tensed. “What’s he going to do while we wait for me to go into labor?”

  Jason shrugged. “I’m sure he can get creative.”

  She didn’t need that old man hanging around here, making life miserable for everyone. “I’d say to put him up in the library where he can study, but that’s where you hang out.”

  Jason’s grin broadened as he walked toward her. “You are such a considerate person.”

  She chuckled. “Flattery will get you… well, at least some good times in bed.”

  He laughed and his eyes grew dark.

  “Now, help me get up. I think I need to visit the little girl’s room.”

  “Your wish is my command,” he said with a bow, then took her hand and gently pulled as she rose from the couch. “Do you need any help?”

  “I think I can make everything come out all right.” She gave him a smirk. What was he going to do to help her in the bathroom?

  She trudged across the floor, hands supporting the bottom of her rounded belly.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Jason said.

  One of the maids rounded a corner, glanced at Diane, then got a concerned expression on her face. “Looks like the baby has dropped.”

  “Feels like he weighs a hundred pounds.”

  The maid took her by the arms. “Do you need help?”

  “Why does everyone keep asking me—”

  Suddenly, a gush of liquid burst between her legs, spilling what must have been several quarts onto the tile floor.

  “Henry! Henry!” the maid shouted. “Get the car!”

  Footsteps sounded in some far away ro

  Jason rushed up behind her. “Looks like everything came out, all right,” he said.

  She punched him in the gut with a finger. “No teasing when I’m so vulnerable.”

  “Well,” Jason said, “this is good timing. You’re going before Dad gets here. We won’t have to deal with him for too long.”

  Henry fetched her bag, already packed, and he and Jason helped her out to the car. The driver slipped the car onto the road, then sped up.

  “Hold on there,” Diane said. “The baby’s not coming out yet.”

  “Of course,” the man said and let the car drift back down to the speed limit. “But you will let me know if things change.”


  Jason sat beside her, and that nervous look appeared again. He forced a smile. “This is exciting.”

  “It’ll be okay,” she said, patting his hand.

  But he didn’t seem reassured.


  Jason stayed with Diane the whole way, holding her hand as they put her into her room – one of those nice places where labor, delivery and recovery all happened in the same place. Nurses checked her and determined that she had several more hours to go. She had been right to tell the chauffer to slow down.

  Once she was in her bed and all strapped in, the medical staff left, and they were finally alone, except for the beeping of the monitor, tracking the baby’s heartbeat. Everything seemed fine.

  Then why was he so nervous?

  He rubbed her hand. “I found another piece of property I think would be good for your portfolio.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t want to talk about business right now.” Her fingers squeezed around his hand.

  The monitor graphed out the rising tension of her latest contraction. “Does it hurt?”

  “A little,” she said, then grimaced.

  “Do you want me to count?” He had been taught to do that in the birthing classes, tell her how much time had passed in a contraction, so she could get an idea of when it was going to end.

  “Not yet. It’s not bad.”

  He leaned his head to one side. “Will I get in trouble if I say I don’t believe you?”

  “I’ll smack you up the side of the head.”